190 research outputs found

    Strategies For Recruiting Representative Samples Of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, And Pacific Islanders For Population-Based Studies

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    There is limited data on effective methods for recruiting ethnically and culturally diverse populations into population-based studies. For case-control studies in particular, appropriate selection and successful recruitment of representative control subjects remain a challenge. In a population-based case-control study assessing novel risk factors for breast cancer among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs), we utilized a unique combination of population-based sampling, community-based recruitment methods, and internet- and media-based approaches for recruiting controls who were frequency matched to cases identified through a population-based cancer registry in the San Francisco Bay Area. We characterized the populations drawn from each recruitment source by comparing controls on a number of socio-demographic and medical characteristics across recruitment methods. We also compared characteristics of controls, in aggregate, to the overall source population to assess representativeness. Participants from each recruitment source differed with respect to many characteristics. For example, internet-based controls were more educated, had higher income, and were more likely to be born in the US, while controls recruited from community health centers were less educated, had lower income, and had limited English speaking skills. The combined control sample (N=483), however, appeared to be largely representative of the underlying source population with regards to most of the socio-demographic and medical factors under study, including nativity, education, marital status, and body mass index. Our simultaneous use of multiple alternative recruitment methods was found to be a feasible and cost-effective approach for recruiting a representative control series of diverse AANHPIs for population-based studies. Larger studies and further assessment of multiple strategies for recruitment of representative samples in various populations is needed

    NASA Near Earth Network (NEN) DVB-S2 Demonstration Testing for Enhancing Higher Data Rates for CubeSat/Small Satellite Missions at X-band and Ka-band

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) CubeSat/SmallSat missions are moving to higher data rates. Digital Video Broadcast, Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is a communications standard that uses power and bandwidth efficient modulation and coding techniques to deliver performance approaching radio frequency (RF) channel theoretical limits. The Near Earth Network (NEN) will test DVB-S2’s ability to provide higher data rates for CubeSat/SmallSat missions at X-band and Ka-band at Wallops Flight Facility (WFF). The goal is to upgrade the NEN with DVB-S2 to increase science data return for missions and enable support for more CubeSat/SmallSat missions. This paper describes NEN DVB-S2 X-band and Ka-band demonstration objectives, scope, and performance measures as well as NEN channel test configuration. The NEN has planned 2020 tests to demonstrate all modulation and coding schemes in the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) DVB-S2 standard over X-band and Ka-band. A link analysis study for the trade-offs among achievable data rates, modulations, codes, spacecraft antenna sizes and power amplifiers (PA) is provided. This paper identifies Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) CubeSat/SmallSat X-band and Ka-band communication systems and discusses low cost DVB-S2 X-band software defined radio (SDR) transmitter development concepts and implementation with a practical system for CubeSats/SmallSats

    Supporting the externalisation of thinking in criminal intelligence analysis

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    At the end of the criminal intelligence analysis process there are relatively well established and understood approaches to explicit externalisation and representation of thought that include theories of argumentation, narrative and hybrid approaches that include both of these. However the focus of this paper is on the little understood area of how to support users in the process of arriving at such representations from an initial starting point where little is given. The work is based on theoretical considerations and some initial studies with end users. In focusing on process we discuss the requirements of fluidity and rigor and how to gain traction in investigations, the processes of thinking involved including abductive, deductive and inductive reasoning, how users may use thematic sorting in early stages of investigation and how tactile reasoning may be used to externalize and facilitate reasoning in a productive way. In the conclusion section we discuss the issues raised in this work and directions for future work

    Effects of Telehealth on Dropout and Retention in Care among Treatment-Seeking Individuals with Substance Use Disorder: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth became a widely used method of delivering treatment for substance use disorders (SUD), but its impact upon treatment engagement and dropout remains unknown. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of adult SUD patients (n = 544) between October 2020 and June 2022 among a cohort of treatment-seeking patients at a nonprofit community behavioral health center in Southwestern Ohio. We estimated the likelihood of treatment dropout using survival curves and Cox proportional hazard models, comparing patients who used telehealth with video, telephone, or solely in-person services within the first 14 days of diagnosis. We also compared the likelihood of early treatment engagement. Results: Patients who received services through telehealth with video in the initial 14 days of diagnosis had a lower hazard of dropout, compared to patients receiving solely in-person services (0.64, 95% CI [0.46, 0.90]), while there was no difference in hazards of dropout between patients who received telephone and in-person services. Early use of telehealth, both via video (5.40, 95% CI [1.92, 15.20]) and telephone (2.12, 95% CI [1.05, 4.28]), was associated with greater odds of treatment engagement compared to in-person care. Conclusion: This study adds to the existing literature related to telehealth utilization and engagement in care and supports the inclusion of telehealth in SUD treatment programs for treatment-seeking individuals

    Understanding 3D mid-air hand gestures with interactive surfaces and displays: a systematic literature review

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    3D gesture based systems are becoming ubiquitous and there are many mid-air hand gestures that exist for interacting with digital surfaces and displays. There is no well defined gesture set for 3D mid-air hand gestures which makes it difficult to develop applications that have consistent gestures. To understand what gestures exist we conducted the first comprehensive systematic literature review on mid-air hand gestures following existing research methods. The results of the review identified 65 papers where the mid-air hand gestures supported tasks for selection, navigation, and manipulation. We also classified the gestures according to a gesture classification scheme and identified how these gestures have been empirically evaluated. The results of the review provide a richer understanding of what mid-air hand gestures have been designed, implemented, and evaluated in the literature which can help developers design better user experiences for digital interactive surfaces and displays

    Excessive vertical overbite: clinical-epidemiologic characteristics and treatment in children under 19 years of age

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    Introduction: excessive vertical protrusion, vertical overbite, overbite or increased overbite are a frequent finding in maxillomandibular discrepancies.Objective: to update knowledge on overbite or excessive vertical overbite in children under 19 years of age.Methods: in order to carry out this bibliographic review, 50 articles on the subject were consulted, obtained from Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, academic Google, degree theses and texts of the specialty of Orthodontics. Forty-one articles were used as bibliography, with a predominance of articles published during the last five years and others of earlier date to reference the history of the definition of excessive vertical overbite.Development: excessive vertical overbite can manifest in children and adults; it is frequent in class I, II and III malocclusions. Its prevalence increases between five and 12 years of age. The precise identification of these anomalies through clinical and radiographic characteristics is fundamental to achieve a correct diagnosis and timely treatment according to their origin during growth. Orthodontic treatment in these cases aims to conform an adequate vertical protrusion of incisors through the application of various strategies according to etiology, age and facial esthetics. The most severe cases achieve better results when treated during growth and development.Conclusions: Deep bite is a common component of malocclusion in children and adults, its etiology should be considered in order to formulate a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan to achieve optimal skeletal, dentoalveolar, occlusal and esthetic results.Introducción: el resalte vertical excesivo, la sobremordida vertical, overbite o sobrepase aumentado, son un hallazgo frecuente en las discrepancias maxilomandibulares. Objetivo: actualizar los conocimientos sobre overbite o sobremordida vertical excesiva en menores de 19 años.Métodos: para realizar esta revisión bibliográfica se consultaron 50 artículos sobre el tema, obtenidos de Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, Google académico, tesis de grado y textos de la especialidad de Ortodoncia. Fueron utilizados 41 artículos como bibliografía, predominaron los artículos publicados durante los últimos cinco años y otros de anterior data para referenciar la historia de la definición de sobremordida vertical excesiva.Desarrollo: la sobremordida vertical excesiva se puede manifestar en niños y adultos; es frecuente en maloclusiones clase I, II y III. Su prevalencia aumenta entre cinco y 12 años de edad. La identificación precisa de estas anomalías a través de las características clínicas y radiográficas es fundamental para lograr un diagnóstico correcto y tratamiento oportuno según su origen durante el crecimiento. El tratamiento ortodóncico en estos casos persigue conformar un adecuado resalte vertical de incisivos mediante aplicación de varias estrategias según etiología, edad y estética facial. Los casos más severos logran mejores resultados cuando se tratan durante el crecimiento y desarrollo.Conclusiones: la mordida profunda es un componente común de la maloclusión en niños y adultos, se debe considerar su etiología para formular un diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento detallado para alcanzar óptimos resultados esqueléticos, dentoalveolares, oclusales y estéticos